I will be travelling out to Uganda in January/February 2025 to see the Emily Collins School again but this time, my wife lovely Sarah won’t be coming with me. However, before you say ‘aw’. I won’t be travelling alone, three lovely people are coming with me. This is not going to be a holiday tour, but it will be a great opportunity to visit the school, see the progress they are making in building the first floor, meet the teaching staff and see the children in class. We will be interacting, under supervision, with the children both in the classroom and the playground and we will also be working with the school’s management team and teachers to share good practice and encourage continual development of the school’s practices, policies and procedures.
As well as visiting the school in Kisoro, we will be travelling approximately one hundred and twenty miles North to Rukingiri where Our Father’s House Ministries is based to see Martin Duhimbaze, his team and many of the children who are sponsored by friends and family. There are now over 187 children sponsored through OFH, many of whom were extremely vulnerable and have been rescued from the streets and jungle who are now safe, healthy and going to school. We will be visiting some of them in their villages and others will come into Rukungiri for a ‘Centre Day’ so we can meet and share food, play and experiences.
We are all very excited to be meeting our friends in Uganda, seeing the beautiful countryside, the abundant and colourful wildlife and, in truth, making the most of the warm and sunny climate. Roll on January 2025.